Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Kenn Munk Show

London based Kenn Munk did a show a couple months back in Ųhus, Denmark. "The See" features illustration/graphic design based on tourism, optical illusion and a modernised form of Shinto. I really like his installation work and I think it looks great considering its only black & white!

For those not familiar with Shinto, it is the Japanese idea that every tree, rock and river and so on has a soul. Kenn takes this further as he knows that his computer and the lock to his front door definitely have souls too. The Denmark show focuses on a small part of the story; The empty souls that is applied or superficial beauty whose sole purpose is purely aesthetic - the colour of your car, your nose piercing and the small sprig of parsley on your gigantic steak.

See Kenn Munk's other work HERE.


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